Call to Action! HB 267 – Repealing NH Rail Transit Authority

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An urgent message from David Preece, Southern NH Planning Commission:

The House Transportation Committee will hear testimony on HB 267 “Repealing the NH Rail Transit Authority” next Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 1:30 PM in LOB 203.  It is very important that the Committee hears from as many NH residents and businesses as possible on the importance of the NH Rail Transit Authority and why repealing it would be short-sighted and would dramatically set New Hampshire back, even though there is widespread support for passenger rail expansion.

If you or your business associates can’t attend, please write a letter or email the Committee members (see the following link:


Click here for some of the reasons the NH Rail Transit Authority is important:  01.13.17_Importance of NHRTA


Thank you for your support and participation.

David J. Preece, AICP

Executive Director/CEO

Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission

438 Dubuque Street, Manchester, NH 03102


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