A Message from the CIBOR Education Committee

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The CIBOR Education Committee would like to thank all who attended the class held Friday, September 25th –  “Analyzing Leverage for Investment Real Estate” and “A Look at the Rate Value Relationship” taught by David Eaton and Peter Stanhope.  With over 80 people in attendance it was our largest turn out of any Education Committee offerings.

Some of the comments that were received:

“Very Educational”
“One of the best courses I have attended”
“Speakers were exceptionally knowledgeable and delivered info in an easy to understand way”

A sample of the topics members wanted to learn more about:
* NH Commercial Market Trends
* Economic Forecast for Commercial Industry
* Part 2 of Leverage/Investment
* Tenant Improvement Costs
* Due Diligence Items
* Investment Real Estate
* Overcoming Financing Challenges
* Types of leases w/examples and how to market listings
* Market Analysis

Please join us for a commercial PDS (Professional Development Series) on October 30th: Pat McDermott of Hinckley Allen and Bob Quinn, NHAR’s Government Affairs Director will give members a detailed update on what’s happened politically; what they have been doing on our behalf in 2015; and what issues lie ahead in 2016. It will be a free non-accredited seminar for NHCIBOR members. Berkshire Hathaway Verani’s training room in Londonderry will be the venue. More details to follow.

If any CIBOR member or affiliate has an interest in teaching a class in 2016 please contact your Education Committee chairs Laura Farago or Deana Theriault.

If you want to gain exposure to your business by sponsoring an upcoming class please email Bob Marchewka or Marc Siragusa from the Sponsorship Committee:

Thank you to our sponsors of the 3rd Qtr Meeting:

Alfano Law Offices                           



St. Mary’s Bank

St Marys Bank Logo


Deana Theriault & Laura Farago
Education Committee Chairs

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