President’s Message
Christian Stallkamp
January was busy month at NHCIBOR on reorganizing committees, launching new education programs and keeping track of the numerous bills being presented to the NH House of Representatives. What has been amazing to see when jumping into this role and talking with the different committee chairs and members was the commitment that members have put into NHCIBOR over the years. Five to ten years in these roles was a common theme amongst these many members. As an organization we are truly lucky to have members with this background and experience. What is also great is to see new faces and new members step up this year into new leadership roles. With this momentum we should have another productive year at NHCIBOR.
If you are new to NHCIBOR and commercial real estate we’ve launched the “Top Dog” introduction to commercial real estate brokerage program for members This package is aimed at getting new commercial practitioners up and running as quickly as possible. All that a user has to do is purchase a manual for $195 and he/she will get access to the full 15 lesson course. Please go on our website for more information.
Also, thanks to NHAR’s and NHCIBOR’s call for action House Bill 655 got shot down. This bill would have allowed Landlord’s to be fined for the actions of their Tenant’s. The Landlord could be fined for Tenant’s “disorderly activity” but would not provide the Landlord any added means to evict that Tenant. Thank you for those who reached out to the representatives on this matter.
If you have any questions at all or if you would like to consider joining a Committee or getting involved with NHCIBOR, please reach out.
Feedback by our members is important, please reach out. Thank you.