All Real Estate Licensees are NOT REALTORS!

Only real estate licensees who are members of the National Association of REALTORS are properly called REALTORS.  REALTORS subscribe to a strict code of ethics and are expected to maintain a higher level of knowledge in the real estate industry.

Only REALTORS can display the REALTOR logo on their business cards or other marketing and sales material.

All REALTORS are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2.5 hours of instructional time within a three-year cycle.  The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS.   Click here for more information on how to meet the Code of Ethics training requirement.

Ethics Complaints and Arbitration Requests Information

REALTORS® are different from non-member licensees in that they voluntarily subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics. If you believe that a REALTOR® has violated one or more Articles of the Code of Ethics, you can file an ethics complaint alleging a violation(s) through the local association of REALTORS® where the REALTOR® holds membership.

In addition, REALTORS® agree as a condition of membership to arbitrate contractual disputes and specific non-contractual disputes as provided for in Article 17 of the Code of Ethics.

Below are several resources to help you understand what filing and processing an ethics complaint and arbitration request entails, and the general process you can expect when filing an ethics complaint or arbitration request with a local association of REALTORS®.

NAR and NHAR Resources:

Before You File an Ethics Complaint


NAR Website Link: 2024 Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

Mandatory REALTOR NAR Code of Ethics Training Information

NH Association of REALTORS Legal Resource Hotline

NH Association of REALTORS Mediation Program

NH Association of REALTORS Ombudsman Program

NH Association of REALTORS Arbitration Guidelines

NAR Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Information